Before you start the ROL process, we recommend that you have the following information handy:
- Parents´ and/or guardian´s photo: If the photo doesn't appear on the screen of the ROL, you need to upload one
- Student´s preferred name
- Student´s personal ID (DNI, Residence Card or Diplomatic Card) in case it has been updated during the past academic year 2023 - 2024
- Student´s pediatrician/family doctor, dentist and optometrist contact information (names and phone numbers)
- Vaccines information: HVB (Hepatitis B), BCG (Tuberculous Meningitis), Pentavalent (Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Whooping cough, Haemophilus Influenzae type B, Diphteria), IPV (Polio), MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Chicken Pox
- Emergency contact information: Two names and phone numbers (other than mother, father or guardian) if applicable
- Private family insurance information: Name of the insurance company, policy number and expiration date
- Data of authorized persons to pick up your child/children on a regular basis: Names, ID numbers, relationship/position and photos
- Data of authorized people to pick up your child/children in case of an emergency (earthquake, fire, etc.): Names, ID numbers and relationship/position
- Family vehicles: License plate, make, color and year
The ROL process must be completed by the father, mother or guardian.
The options you chose last year (contact information, permissions for student's photos/videos, etc.) will be reflected in this year's ROL process. If you need to make changes, you will be able to make them now.
If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Vanessa Alexandro at the Office of Admissions valexand@amersol.edu.pe
Please note that once you have submitted the Registration Online (ROL), you will not have access to re-enter.